*Now updated with jquery 1.4.2 and removed supersleight as usage of IE6 only stylesheet removes most of the need for it*
Merry Christmas Twitters and RSS subscribers and all those who have found their way here via some other route.
Having started to get into using HTML5 and CSS3 in quite a big way recently I’ve put together a base package that I’ve been using to start projects off. (I’ll hopefully have some of them finished for you to see in the new year).
I was thinking to myself what better way to encourage people to start using all this new stuff than sharing the package with everyone. Now it’s not up to much but it will give you a basis to customize and start from for HTML5 and CSS3.
There’s a good chance my coding may not even be to your liking but that doesn’t matter, I’m making this available so you can download it and change it into your own starting point.
You can download it right here.
[download id=”8″]