Where to keep up with the web and continue learning

In my last proper post I introduced a couple of resources I recommend to those getting started on the web.
But where do you go from there to keep up to date and continue learning? Apart from browsing these hallowed pages of course.

Here are a few of the resources I regularly use to keep track and reference, I have plenty more in my RSS reader (Google reader! I’ll be looking for an update) but these are the ones I regularly end up visiting and reading from. They offer a variety of levels of interest and difficulties.

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Getting started learning on the web

How do you get started with web design and development? It’s something I get asked a bit, often by people not necessarily looking at a career but looking to get to grips with the online world a bit better and start to do things for themselves.
There are two resources I point them at every time – Don’t fear the internet and Treehouse. So here’s a quick summary of what they are and why I recommend them.
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A quick CSS based “Back to top” link

You see these in plenty of places, especially with popular single page sites. A page where the menu is at the top in the header and as you scroll down a small “Back to top” link appears that whizzes you back to the top of the page and therefore back to the menu. Here’s a quick way I do it just using a bit of CSS, it might not work in every circumstance but it’s easy to do and can be modified quite easily. Continue reading

CSSOff 2012

CSSOff - Triple dare screen shot

For those of you who haven’t heard of it the CSSOff is a mark up competition run by Unmatched style the essential premise of which is you get a design in the form of a image (a PSD or a PNG as you prefer) and then you take it away and mark it up with HTML and CSS and then submit it, get feedback and scoring on your effort and you’re in with the chance of winning stuff. I’m not certain but I don’t think this is the first time they’ve run the competition but it just so happened that after hearing about it the latest competition it fell during a small gap in work for me and I hadn’t done much front end stuff for a while so I thought what the hell why not give it a try.
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Coding that makes you say WTF!

Every so often you pick up a project that has been coded by somebody else and encounter something and you can’t help but wonder what the f**k they were thinking, often it’s down to naivety or a lack of knowledge, or even a use of old outdated coding methods but then sometimes it’s just mind boggling bizarre.

Here’s a few examples I’ve come across recently but I’m sure there’s plenty of you with more to share. Continue reading