Sensational headlines and living up to your own hype

Google Reader screenshot(My RSS reader on a good day)

Recently I’ve been a bit disappointed by a number of articles. They’ve promised me the world and they’ve delivered nothing short of disappointment and badly re-hashed content. But why should I have expected anything? – Because the title of these articles promised so much.
I know blog titles are written to pull in readers, the way we digest the content through twitter and RSS feeds means that titles are written to get people onto the site and add another eyeball to the all important visitor count.
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5 things I’ve learnt this month whilst blogging

Well I’ve been doing this web design blogging for a month now. Sure I’ve been working in web design and development for years and I’ve blogged before occasionally keeping updated but this is my first time blogging about web related topics. So what have a learnt? A few things actually but here’s 5, mostly learnt from buggering something up. Continue reading