Welcome to the internet home of web designer, developer, pilot person and Cumbria dweller Dave Sparks.

50 things killed by technology – what was wrong with painting stuff?

Published a few days ago and commissioned by www.mozy.co.uk this is a list of 50 things that people no longer do due to the advance of technology. It prompted some debate on Monday on the radio as I drove into work with one man complaining about the digital cameras and lots of silly little things such as glare on the view finder screen with the sun behind you. What was wrong with film cameras with view finders and printed photos he asks! What a stupid argument, how can moan about technology advancing when using a piece of technology that was sufficiently advanced over something else – come on what was wrong with drawing pictures, why are you using that fancy dan film camera?

Sure some things are more difficult to use but for all the complaints about DVD players I remember people having sufficient complaints about VCR’s.
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Rugby League in lego

It’s been a busy old week over at Love Rugby League mainly due to the release of the Super League 2011 season review in lego video.
If you like either rugby or lego it’s well worth checking out, actually if you don’t check it out anyway and if you want you can read more about the project and the exposure it gained in national and international press over at JDG Media.

The site gets a new look

Kamikaze Music old design
If you’ve made your way to the site since last night you’ll have seen the new look (a picture of the old one is above if you can’t remember it). I’m not sure if it would be classed as a redesign or realign, but it’s the biggest overhaul I’ve done in a while. I had a few new things I wanted to try out and I had some ideas that had sat around for ages, plus the site was seeming a little sluggish so I got stuck into it and decided to get it done at the weekend.
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It’s hip to be square

How long have people coveted the joyous features that CSS3 is now bringing to your browser? How long have we spent hacking around trying to create gradients and rounded corners to now have these very things easily at our fingertips. Quite a good damn while and I for one am very grateful for the new found ease and flexibility we have in deploying these features even if there is not full support everywhere.

Not so long ago I put together an article for Smashing Magazine about using CSS3 and I did mention that using CSS3 features would not be suitable for every situation and that they should be used sensibly and not just splashed everywhere and I think a sign of the maturity and true usefulness of CSS3 will come as people realise this and use it where it is truly necessary, using it as a design tool and not include it just for the sake of it (1px white text shadow springs to mind again!).

So I was rather pleased to see Google+, ok Google haven’t been praised for their groundbreaking design in the past but Google+ is a really well put together and visually appealing design and it’s mostly square. There are the odd subtle rounded corners but on the whole there are a lot of straight edges meeting straight edges with no hint of curve and it looks lovely, you don’t look at it thinking “Oh if only they’d rounded the corners of that button”. It’s not like Google are completely blind to CSS3, there’s plenty used around the Google+ site and the other redesigns of the Google network of sites, no they have chosen to leave square edges in without a hint of remorse.

Yes ladies and gentleman just because you know how to use a gradient doesn’t mean you have to, just because you know all of the border-radius web prefixes by heart doesn’t mean you need to use them – it is hip to be square.

(If you’re looking for something to do whilst you’re not using CSS3 how about checking out Paul Boag‘s post on Web Designer Depot – Stop obsessing over HTML5 and CSS3)