Well I have a new project I’ve been looking to start putting together for a while but I’ve got as far as a domain and a holding page. The project is called StatShare and is at http://www.statshare.net. The aim is for people to share their website analytic reports via the site, anonymously, and they will then be collected together and analysed to produce useful data on bounce rates, visitor numbers and conversion rates amongst other things. By giving sites profiles the site will hopefully deliver reports on bounce rates for blogs in various traffic bands for example.
If you’re interested head over to http://www.statshare.net and pop in your email address and be sure to follow the official StatShare twitter account @statshare.
Oh and there’s a bit of webkit animation in there if you can find it! – enjoy.
Interesting stuff! I’ve dropped my email over at statshare and look forward to hearing more…
(sorry to point this out, but the second link above is broken)
.-= Simon´s last blog ..How to book a live band for your event =-.
Thanks for commenting, getting a few people signing up to stat share which is good as it needs people to be participating to work it’s best!
(Thanks for the note about the link, a little bit of wordpress WYSIWYG buffoonery, sorted now!)